Office Retirement

  • Retirement of Assistant District Attorney Christine Kiggen

    Office Retirement

    3For over 25 years, Christine Kiggen has been a fearless leader and team player here at PCDAO.


    Today we shared some laughs and toasted our Deputy First Assistant on her retirement.

    Congratulations and best of luck!






  • Retirement of Joanne Murphy

    Office Retirement

    1Today we bid a fond farewell to admin extraordinaire Joanne Murphy, who for the past seven years has kept our Plymouth courthouse office in order.

    We wish Joanne the best in her retirement, enjoy the next chapter!







  • Retirement of Helen Daly

    Office Retirement

    Helen's retirementToday we bid farewell to Superior Court Administrative Assistant extraordinaire Helen Daly, who is retiring after 12 years with our office.

    We wish Helen a happy retirement!