Press Releases

DA Cruz Releases 2024 Suspected Fatal Overdose, Homicide Statistics For Plymouth County

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Contact: Beth Stone 508-584-8120

BROCKTON – Massachusetts State Police troopers assigned to the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office investigated 14 homicides and responded to 93 suspected fatal drug overdoses in 2024, according to Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz.

Pursuant to Massachusetts General Law, Massachusetts State Police assigned to the District Attorney’s Office have the responsibility of investigating all sudden or unattended deaths if under violent, suspicious, or unusual circumstances. These deaths are investigated by the District Attorney’s law enforcement representative, which in our county is the Massachusetts State Police Detective Unit-Homicide Section. The State Police Detective Unit works in conjunction with local police departments on death investigations.

In 2024, there were 14 homicides, eight of which occurred in the City of Brockton, and two which occurred at correctional facilities. Seven pedestrian versus motor vehicle deaths were recorded throughout the year.

Our county also recorded 93 suspected fatal overdoses. However, no fatal overdoses occurred in the towns of Abington, Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, Plympton, Mattapoisett and Rochester.

In contrast, our office saw 15 homicides and 102 fatal overdoses across Plymouth County in 2023.

“The numbers have trended downward here and that is good news, but there is always more work to be done,” DA Cruz said. “Our office operates at the highest standards of fairness and integrity. Those involved in the criminal justice system, whether they are crime victims, offenders, defense attorneys, or witnesses, should never question that they were treated respectfully, justly, and fairly.”

JANUARY 3, 2025