District Attorney Timothy Cruz has been invited to present as an expert in his field at various conferences across the United States.
Drug Endangered Children’s Initiative: Harnessing Community Expertise to Enhance Service Delivery for Vulnerable Children
2020 Virtual RX Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit
April 2020
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma Responsive Policing
Bureau of Justice Assistance 2020 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program National Forum
Arlington, VA- March 2020
Helping Traumatized and Drug Endangered Children Succeed
National Cocaine, Meth and Stimulant Summit
Ft. Lauderdale, FL- November 2018
NDAA-APLAN Regional Opioid Training
National District Attorney’s Association
Salem, MA- September 2018
Drug Endangered Children: How Law Enforcement, Child Protection Agencies and Schools Can Help
National Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit
National Harbor, MD- April 2018
Helping Traumatized Children Succeed in School and in the Community
National Drug Endangered Children Conference
Reno, NV- 2016
Helping Traumatized Children Succeed in School and in the Community
U.S. Attorney’s Office Defending Children Conference
Charleston, WV- November 2011
How Collaboration Brought Massachusetts District Attorneys into the Statewide Enforcement of Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL)
National Leadership Conference of OJJDP Underage Drinking Enforcement Training
Anaheim, CA- August 2010