Community Engagement Events- 2018

Outside the courtroom, District Attorney Tim Cruz is working in the community.  He and his staff conduct Cyber Safety trainings and Drug and Alcohol Awareness presentations to students and parents, so that they make smart choices outside of the classroom. 

District Attorney Cruz works to protect seniors in conjunction with the county’s TRIAD programs.  During the pandemic, District Attorney Cruz hosted regular virtual trainings for seniors to get them information and resources on how to protect themselves against scammers.

District Attorney Cruz supports restorative justice programs and partners with the Plymouth County Sheriff to hold job fairs for those who have been justice involved.

District Attorney Cruz also partners with community groups to address issues such as domestic violence, underage drinking, opiates, and elder abuse in an effort to make Plymouth County a safe place to live and work.

2024 Community Engagement Events
2023 Community Engagement Events
2022 Community Engagement Eventsopens in a new window
2021 Community Engagement Events
2020 Community Engagement Events

2019 Community Engagement Events

2017 Community Engagement Events
2016 Community Engagement Events

2018 Community Engagement Events

  • Vicarious Trauma/Building Resiliency for Child Abuse Professionals

    Children's Advocacy Center

    Building Resiliency in Child Abuse Organizations

    November 29, 2018
    9:00 am- 3:00 pm

    *registration begins at 8:30 am

    Plymouth County DA’s Office
    166 Main Street, Brockton, MA

    This Training is led by:

    Michele Mullen, MSW, LCSW
    Northeast Regional CAC

    this training will enable participants to:

    ♦  Define vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, and burnout;
    ♦  Understand signs and symptoms of the above;
    ♦  Evaluate their own resiliency;
    ♦  Review strategies that can help child abuse professionals build resiliency in their workplace;
    ♦  Build a vicarious trauma toolkit of skills to practice health coping and self care.

     r.s.v.p. to:

    Registration Information registration deadline November 26th, 2018

    ♦  registration deadline:  November 26, 2018
    ♦  no registration fee
    ♦  lunch will be provided
    ♦  please confirm registration prior to the event with Hillary.

    for additional information, please see the flyer below

  • 2018 Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force Medical Subcommittee Conference

    Scope of Pain

    October 18, 2018

    Doubletree Hilton

    229 Hingham Street
    Rockland, MA 02370

    7:30 am- 3:00 pm

    Tuition $25.00
    Earn credits for: CME, CNE, ABIM, MOC Part II, Risk Management and Opioid Education
  • National District Attorney’s Office Regional Opioid Training

    Presenting on Drug Endangered Children at the NDAA Regional Opioid training. Thanks to NDAA, Addiction Policy Forum, and NDAA Association President Jonathan Blodgett for hosting and highlighting Essex’s Diversion program and showcasing how prosecutors around the country are addressing addiction issues.

    NDAA training 1










  • Night Out Against Domestic Violence

    Domestic Violence Awareness

    campanelli stadium

    Gates Open at 6 PM

    1 Campanelli Stadium

    1 Feinberg Way, Brockton, MA

    Bring in Non-Perishable Food and Get $3 off a ticket.

    Donations mad eto Local Domestic Violence Agencies


  • 3K Heel-A-Thon Against Domestic Violence

    Domestic Violence Awareness

    3K heel a thon flyer










  • Banner Raising for World Elder Abuse Awareness Month

    Plymouth County TRIAD

    Rick Savignano hanging banner










  • Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force Annual Conference 2018

    Click here to Register

    Invitation for the Annual Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force Conference 2018




















  • Dedication of The Moosehead Lake Tragedy Memorial

    Brockton, MA
    May 2018

    Remembering and dedicating a memorial to the nine prominent Brocktonians who lost their lives at Moosehead Lake in Maine 90 years ago.

  • Law Day 2018- Brockton and Hingham District Courts

    Official Event

    “Separation of Powers creating a framework for Freedom”

    Law Day ceremony Brockton Trial Court


    Celebrating Law Day at Brockton District Court and Hingham District Court.

    Derby Academy students created posters and wrote essays on this year’s theme — Separation of Powers creating a framework for freedom.





  • Hanover Public Schools

    Cable Show


    Choose Presence Awareness Campaign

    Forensic Investigator Tara Cruza, Police Chief Larry Sweeney, WATD's Christine James, District Attorney Tim Cruz, ADA Amanda Fowle, Superintendent Matthew Ferron


    A behind the scenes look at the taping of Hanover School’s Choose Presence production.

    Cyber safety roundtable included District Attorney Tim Cruz, Hanover Police Chief Larry Sweeney,  Superintendent of Schools Matthew Ferron, Assistant District Attorney Amanda Fowle and Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department’s Forensic Investigator Tara Cruza to talk social media and safety of our kids.

    WATD’s Christine James moderated.

  • Annual Pancake Breakfast 2018

    Plymouth County TRIAD

    East Bridgewater TRIAD

    District Attorney Cruz addresses the seniors at the annual pancake breakfast

    District Attorney Tim Cruz addressed the seniors of East Bridgewater at their TRIAD’s annual pancake breakfast. Topics of Discussion included recent scams and how to protect your identity.





  • Parent’s Series on Adolescent Substance Use

    Prevention and Community Response Forum

    District Attorney Cruz

    St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church of Marion, and the Healthy Tri Town Coalition co-hosted a community awareness and education program on Adolescent Substance Use.

    District Attorney Cruz appeared on their panel to discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences as well as community-based strategies.  The Parent’s Series was geared toward parents of middle school and high school students.



  • Law Day 2018- Plymouth Trial Court

    Remembrance Event

    “Separation of Powers creating a framework for Freedom”

    Law Day 2018 Plymouth Trial Court


    Celebrating Law Day at the Plymouth Trial Court.  Sean Cronin, Director of our Diversion Unit greeted folks and shared information on  all of our offices’s important Diversion Programs



  • Social Host Liability Seminar- East Bridgewater

    Community Reinvestment

    “If They Had Known”


    District Attorney Cruz at the Podium

    District Attorney Tim Cruz was invited to speak on Social Host Liability.

    The event was sponsored by the East Bridgewater Public Schools, and was hosted by Principal Brian Duffey and Chief Scott Allen in preparation for Prom and Graduation season.

    Special Guests Genny, Geoff and Allie Soper shared a screening of “If They Had Known”  a powerful story about Clay Soper, so that others celebrate safely.




  • Drug Take Back Day 2018

    Community Reinvestment

    District Attorney Tim Cruz and Chief Mike Miksch

    Saturday, April 28, 2018

    Please consider taking the time to drop your leftover and expired medications in the MedReturn boxes located in the lobbies of our Police Departments all across Plymouth County, including Bridgewater University Police Department, Massasoit Police Department and Stonehill College Police Department.

    Drop boxes are open for anonymous disposal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  No questions asked.

    It’s a small but important thing that you can do to help us keep illegal drugs off our streets and out of our neighborhoods.

    The Plymouth County Med Return Program is made possible through a cooperative effort of District Attorney Tim Cruz, Sheriff Joe McDonald,  the Police Chiefs of Plymouth County, the Department of Public Health and Covanta Energy’s RX4Safety Program.

    All collected medications will be brought to Covanta’s energy plant, where they will be incinerated and converted into energy.

  • South Shore Health and Wellness Fair 2018

    Community Reinvestment

    Attendees at the fair

    April 27, 2018
    Emilson YMCA
    Hanover, MA

    Getting a good start to the day at the South Shore Health and Wellness Fair.

    The 6th annual fair was hosted by the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, and was powered by Tufts Medical Center.

    Vendors provided demonstrations, screenings and education.


  • Children’s Advocacy Center Open House 2018

    Children's Advocacy Center

    District Attorney Tim Cruz, Nicole Richardi and Tony Simonelli

    April 26, 2018
    9 am – 1 pm
    309 Pleasant Street
    Brockton, MA

    District Attorney Cruz spoke to the attendees of our annual open house.

    In 2017 we had 905 referrals of child abuse.  We are now tackling the issue of human trafficking of children and a new protocol to respond.

    Our staff works daily to help victims and their families find a path to safety.

  • Victim’s Rights Conference 2018

    Official Event


    District Attorney Tim Cruz, Danielle Smith, Patti Durking

    The Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance held its annual Victim’s Rights Conference on April 24, 2018 at the Seaport Hotel.

    The conference recognizes the hardest working victim advocates across the Commonwealth.

    Congratulations to Patti Durkin and Danielle Smith for receiving this special honor in recognition of 15 years of dedicated service to the residents of Plymouth County.




  • Oak Point Women’s Club

    Plymouth County TRIAD

    District Attorney Tim Cruz and Members of the Oak Point Women's Club


    April 21, 2018
    Oak Point Women’s Club
    Middleboro, MA

    District Attorney Cruz was invited to speak to the residents of Oak Point regarding recent scams, cyber security, personal safety, and a variety of other topics of special interest to seniors.

    DA Cruz also discussed the many ways the Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force is working for residents.  He spoke about aiding drug endangered children in schools, resources for grandparents raising grandchildren and the importance of the Drug Take Back Day, and ridding your home of unwanted or expired medications.

  • Community Behavior Health Fair

    Community Reinvestment

    Event Flyer

    April 20, 2018
    Kingston Collection
    Silver Corridor
    10 am – 3 pm

    The Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office participated in the Community Behavioral Health Fair.

    Attendees gathered information and services for: Senior Health, Substance Use Disorder, Family Support and Crisis Intervention, Youth Health, Exercise and Nutrition, Suicide Prevention, and Adult Health.

    There was a Hidden in Plain Sight exhibit as well as a Q & A with First Responders.

    This event is sponsored by:  The South Shore Behavioral Health Collaborative.  The collaborative is a community partnership of Health Care Providers, Service Providers and Public Safety Officials.

    attendees at the fair








  • Sponsorship of Kid’s Road Races-Spring 2022

    Grant Programs

    presentation of Check

    Presentation of Sponsorship
    April 20, 2018

    For more than four decades Dave Gorman has brought excercise and fun to youth in the area through the Kids Road Race program at DW Field Park in Brockton.  We are proud to do our part in sponsoring this great program for kids.



  • DARE Graduation

    Community Meeting

    Derby Academy
    56 Burdett Ave
    Hingham, MA

  • Job Fair

    Safe Streets Task Force

    Justice Involved- CORI Friendly- Job Fair

    April 9, 2018 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM
    Brockton War Memorial Building
    156 West Elm St. Brockton, MA

    After hosting several successful CORI friendly job fairs within the Plymouth County Correctional Facility, Sheriff Joseph D. McDonald has partnered with Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy Cruz in sponsoring a CORI friendly job fair hosted by Brockton Mayor Bill Carpenter. The job fair will be held at The Brockton War Memorial Building on April 9, 2018 from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The job fair is for individuals who have been or are currently involved with the justice system. In addition to these individuals, we will be welcoming all CORI friendly job seeking residents from communities throughout Plymouth County.

    With studies showing significant reductions in recidivism rates for employed individuals, we feel this is a great opportunity for us to partner together in an effort to make our communities safer. In addition to this great opportunity for employers to give back to their communities some other opportunities that will be available are:

    The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). WOTC is a federal tax credit available to employers that hire individuals from certain target   groups who are facing barriers to employment.

    *The Federal Bonding Program no cost fidelity bonds that guarantee honesty for “At-Risk” hard-to-place job seekers. The bonds cover the first six months of employment.

    Participation in the job fair is free. We do expect significant interest from employers looking to participate.

    If you have questions or need any additional information please contact:

    Jim Frazier Reintegration Counselor Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department 508-830-6200 Ext. 438

  • Concerns of Social Media for Parents

    Cyber Sense Presentation

    Sponsored by:  The Plympton Police D.A.R.E. Program and District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz

    Wednesday, February 28, 2018
    7:30-9:00 pm
    Plympton Townhouse Meeting Room

    Topics of Discussion:

    -What is social media?
    -What impact does it have in our children’s lives?
    -What dangers exist and preventative tools for parents?
    -An open discussion and demonstration of “apps” in current use and trending

    Q&A to follow.

  • Operation Safe Streets-February Meeting

    Safe Streets Task Force

    logo for Operation Safe Streets

    Community Meeting

    Wednesday, February 7, 2018

    Arnone School
    Brockton, MA


  • Navigating Social Media

    Community Meeting

    PCIS Grandparent Connection PosterJanuary 10, 2018

    Plymouth Community Intermediate School
    117 Long Pond Road
    Plymouth, MA 02360

    Featured Speakers:

    District Attorney Tim Cruz

    Amanda Fowle, ADA
    Director of Human Trafficking Prosecutions
    Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office

    This program is sponsored by:  PCIS Grandparent Connection