Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force
PCO Quarterly Meeting- January 2024
Addressing the Plymouth County Outreach quarterly meeting this morning.
In 2024 our collaboration continues to work to get people using substances in our county help and services.
October 2023 meeting of the Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force
Talking grant opportunities, Xylazine, and link between mental health and substance use at today’s Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force meeting.
Our county is so fortunate that our city, state and federal partners join us at the table in the battle to push back against substance abuse.
We were honored to have Worcester District Attorney Joe Early and Worcester Sheriff Lew Evangelidis join us today. It was great to share best practices and learn about what our Worcester County counterparts are doing.
Battle of the Badges III- October 1, 2022
Westgate Lanes -
Regional Overdose Vigil- September 21, 2022
Moving evening at the Regional Overdose Vigil in Middleborough, organized by Carver Cares, Middleborough Matters, Plymouth Youth Development Collaborative and Wareham Connects.
Discussing the Opioid Epidemic with WMEX Boston’s Tony LaGreca, host of “Courage to Hope”- August 2022
Since losing his son to a fatal drug overdose in 2014, WMEX Boston host Tony LaGreca has taken to the airwaves and made it his mission to support others in the throes of the opioid epidemic.
Today, we sat down wit Tony to talk about what we are doing here in Plymouth County to build healthy, strong and safe communities.
Thanks for the opportunity and your “Courage to Hope” radio program.
Tune in this Thursday, August 11, at 6 pm, or next Monday, August 15 at 7 pm.
WMEX 1510 AM
A Night at the Rox- August 2022
Play ball!
Great night as the Brockton Rox took on the New Britain Bees.
Thanks to our Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force for purchasing tickets for some lucky youngsters.
A fun night was had by all, complete with a rainbow!
Plymouth County DEC Alliance Meeting- June 2022
Good news to share today at the Plymouth County DEC Alliance meeting.
We received a 4.48 million dollar COSSAP community grant to continue the work of our drug endangered children initiative.
Our office is also sponsoring a trauma-informed event with Tonier Cain at Massasoit this August.
Our work continues.
PCO Quarterly Meeting- June 2022
Unfortunately overdose deaths are up statewide and nationally, but in Plymouth County we’ve seen a 15% decrease in 2022 compared to 2021.
At the Plymouth County Outreach quarterly meeting.
Our office is sharing updates on Handle With Care and our Drug Endangered Children work.
Wellness Fair- Old Colony YMCA- Middleboro- May 2022
|Beautiful day at Camp Yomechas in Middleboro for the Wellness Fair.
Great to see so many of our community partners:
Old Colony YMCA
Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department
Plymouth County HUB
Balance Workshop
Plymouth Family Resource Center
Middleboro Library
Middleboro Schools
Middleboro Matters -
Plymouth County DEC Alliance Meeting- May 2022
|Plymouth County DEC Alliance meeting virtually this morning.
Thank you to Jennifer Cantwell for facilitating and thank you to Emilee Pihl for updating the DEC Alliance on human trafficking.
Drug endangered children are at higher risk of being trafficked, and awareness is an important part of prevention.
Working together to make a difference.
Parent Night- “Not My Kid”- Furnace Brook Middle School- Marshfield- May 2022
|Thank you Marshfield FACTS and Marshfield Public Schools for having Officer Nancy Leedberg, Brockton PD and Detective Chip Yeaton, Canton PD present the parent substance use prevention program, “Not My Kid.”
Officer Leedberg a School Resource Officer, is well respected in her field and carries a wealth of experience working in both in the Brockton schools and the Brockton community. Officer Leedberg brought new comfort dog Bonnie along. Bonnie, a member of the Brockton Police Department, is one of our Plymouth County Comfort Dogs.
Detective Yeaton is a Special Advisor to the Massachusetts Task Force Report on School Safety and Security.
It was a pleasure to speak to the parents who came out to learn how to keep their kids safe.
Consequences of Youth Substance Use Panel Discussion- Hingham CARES- April 2022
Participating in a frank discussion today with Hingham school officials, police, and MIAA on the consequences of youth substance use.
Thanks to Hingham CARES, Kristen Arute, for bringing together this panel to brainstorm how best to help teens steer clear of destructive decisions
Pre-Prom Mock Crash Event-Whitman Hanson Regional High School- April 26, 2022
Prom/graduation season is here.
Whitman Hanson Regional High School hosted their annual mock crash presentation.
Event organizers are hoping that this re-enactment on the impact of impaired driving will hit home with their students.
Thank you to the Whitman Hanson Regional School District for allowing this reenactment to take place.
Thank you to the Police Departments and Fire Departments of Whitman and Hanson, Richard MacKinnon of MacKinnon Funeral Home, and the MedFlight helicopter for coordinating their efforts to make this event happen.
A Special Thank you to Officer Derek Harrington-Hanson Police for all of your efforts putting this event together. Not a detail was spared!
PCO Quarterly Meeting- March 2022
Plymouth County Outreach meeting today to update everyone on our $1.18M grant to continue the work of our Drug Endangered Children initiative.
Our ultimate goal is to identify children who are being impacted by substance use in their homes and connect those families to services.
PCO Quarterly Meeting- September 22, 2021
Checking in with Plymouth County Outreach at today’s quarterly meeting.
We discussed our work with drug endangered children as PCO’s feature presentation focused on the importance of grief support.
Recovery Rocks- 2021
Recovery Rocks 2021 – September 9, 2021 at the Salt River Farm in Marshfield to benefit- South Shore Peer Recovery.
Plymouth County District Attorney Tim Cruz, chair of the Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force was in attendance.
Make It Home Campaign- Pembroke PD’s Lt. Wendy LaPierre’s Personal Impact PSA
Pembroke Police Lt. Wendy LaPierre is sharing her on-the-job story of arriving at a fatal motor vehicle crash caused by someone behind the wheel, while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
We continue to share these impactful stories for our Make It Home campaign.
Here is Lt. LaPierre’s PSA- “Rolling Up to a Tragedy”
Marshfield FACTS- Boating Under the Influence Banner Raising
Boating season has arrived. Thank you Marshfield FACTS, Marshfield Police Department, Harbormaster DiMeo for reminding everyone that boating under the influence is illegal.
Here’s hoping for a safe summer out on the water
The Beautification of Tukis Park-2021 Drug Diversion Mini-Grant Recipient- 24 Hour Power, Inc.
Lots of people rolled up their sleeves and pitched in over the past months, and the transformation of Brockton’s Tukis Park is complete.
A great day was had by all who came out to celebrate.
Thank you to Susie Lordi, and the members of 24 Hour Power, Inc. for repairing and renewing this park for all to enjoy.
Make It Home- Car Seat Safety & Distracted Driving Event
Thank you to Marshfield Boys & Girls Club, Mass State Police and Marshfield Police for teaming up with our office to host today’s successful Car Seat Safety & Distracted Driving event.
The right car seat used the right way could save a life!
2021 Drug Diversion Mini Grant Recipient- PAARI/PCO-Recovery Coach Academy
The Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force was pleased to support a Recovery Coach Academy training June 21-24, at the Carver Police Department, with funds from our MDAA Drug Diversion Mini-Grants.
The 30 hour training, put on by PCO and PAARI. was designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of law enforcement officers who will be supporting people on their recovery journeys.
2021 Drug Diversion Mini Grant Recipient- 24 Hour Power, Inc
Proud to present 24 Hour Power Inc., with one of this year’s Drug Diversion Mini Grant awards.
Susie Lordi, the founder of 24 Hour Power Inc. has created a program with artists who are in recovery. Recovery Graffitti provides a powerful sense of purpose with a unique form of art.
24 Hour Power, Inc. has produced over 40 events and workshops in Brockton within the last 2 years for those in recovery and for youth ages 10-18 years old in low income and heavily impacted neighborhoods.
PCO-Plymouth County Outreach Quarterly Meeting March, 2021
The Plymouth County Outreach Quarterly Meeting was held on March 19, 2021.
Pleased to discuss the relaunch of our Handle With Care initiative.
We have made trauma sensitivity and education on Adverse Childhood Experiences a priority.
Our goal is to help every town in Plymouth County to become a Handle With Care community.
Under the Influence PSA Taping
Our office taped a PSA against drinking/drugged driving in Plymouth.
Prom and grad season may look different this year but the message remains the same.
— Think clearly before you drive.
“Hey Kiddo” Meet the Author
Presented by Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force, in partnership with the DEC Initiative
Meet the Author: Jarrett Krosoczka, was a free, virtual event on January 12th at 7:00 PM.
Jarrett Krosoczka is the award-winning author of “Hey Kiddo: How I Lost My Mother, Found My Father and Dealt with Family Addiction”, a graphic memoir appropriate for ages 12 and up.
Event was geared towards:
• grandparents raising grandchildren
• school staff
• middle school librarians
•art teachersThe response to this event was overwhelmingly positive- organizers and participants agreed the presentation exceeded expectations. Here are some comments received about Jarrett Krosoczka’s presentation:
“Ok, that guy is amazing! I loved to hear about where he came from, and some of it brought me to tears. I just LOVED his demeanor, his candidness and his inspirational outlook, he broke the cycle!”
“Thank you very much for the webinar las tnight, I enjoyed it very much.”
“Awesome event last night!! I really enjoyed it!!”
“Fabulous program tonight! Thank you so very much!”
“It was awesome, thank you, by the end my 10 year old granddaughter was listening as well and is now wanting to read the book. Thank you.”
“Thank you for a fabulous event. I feel priveleged to have been able to attend.”
2020 Virtual Overdose Vigil
Proud to participate and support this year’s Virtual Overdose Vigil on August 31st at 7 pm Live on YouTube
To access this year’s Vigil please click on the video below or use the following shareable YouTube link:
The Brockton and Plymouth area cable access stations will also be streaming the vigil at 7PM, in addition to the Collaborative’s Facebook page.
If you have any questions regarding this year’s event, please don’t hesitate to contact Amanda at
Building Resilient Communities & Children
Around the County with District Attorney Tim Cruz
“The First Day” Screening- Scituate, December 7, 2019
UPDATE: Per Scituate Facts: This event on 12/7/19 has been postponed to a later date…
A one year license to this film has been purchased by District Attorney Tim Cruz, with SAMHSA funds from the Drug Free Communities Grant that was awarded to the District Attorney’s Office.
Scituate High School, in conjunction with the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office and Scituate Facts will be hosting a viewing of the Chris Herron movie “The First Day” for Scituate High School’s Winter Sports teams.
“The First Day” is a film produced by Chris Herren, a former professional basketball player, author and wellness advocate who shares his story of recovery. “The First Day” chronicles Chris Herren’s journey revealing his vulnerability and strength.
Through the power of storytelling, Chris Herren’s profound connection with high school students has enabled them to share their own stories of struggle and strength.
“The First Day” addresses the issues of substance use, harmful behaviours and mental wellness. These are the issues that school systems, communities and people across the country are facing, either directly or indirectly, each day.
7:15 am: Meeting of players, coaches and parents/caregivers
8:00 am: Remarks-District Attorney Tim Cruz
8:15 am: Movie viewing
9:00 am- 9:30 am: Panel Discussion
DECI Conference: Building a Coordinated Response
The Martin Institute-Stonehill College, 320 Washington Street, Easton, MA -
CORI Friendly Career Fair- Fall 2019
Brockton War Memorial, 156 West Elm Street, Brockton, MA -
Human Impact: Stories of the Opioid Epidemic
Fuller Art Museum, 455 Oak Street, Brockton, MA -
PCO Hope-Overdose Awareness Vigil 2019
Battle of the Badges “Fall Brawl”
Pictures from the 2019 Summer Program
United Way Brings Community Together to Celebrate its 97th Annual Meeting
Contact Person:Dennis Carman, President & CEOUnited Way of Greater Plymouth County934 West Chestnut StreetBrockton, MA 02301508 583-6306 ext. 105FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE6/20/19United Way Brings Community Togetherto Celebrate its 97th Annual MeetingBRIDGEWATER- On June 12th, over 275 guests gathered for United Way of Greater Plymouth County’s 97th Annual Meeting & Awards Celebration at Bridgewater State University.“What an outstanding gathering of generous and compassionate people who embody the spirit of this year’s theme, ‘Hands United’” Dennis Carman, President & CEO of United Way of Greater Plymouth County said. “We are excited to embark on our 97th year of uniting people, ideas and resources to improve the lives of people in Greater Plymouth County and look forward to continuing to work together with our partners to tackle our community’s unmet needs.”The event’s keynote address was given by Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz. He shared with the audience some of the powerful work being done by the DA’s office. United Way’s Family Center is partnering with the DA’s office to enhance efforts to reach drug endangered children in Plymouth County.United Way’s 97th Annual Meeting was also a celebration of this year’s United Way campaign to raise funds for urgent local needs. Enterprise Holdings received the Circle of Caring Chairman’s Award for its success in making a significant contribution to the LIVE UNITED Fund, undesignated funds given to our local United Way so that volunteers from our community can distribute them to meet the most urgent needs.Among other Circle of Caring Awardees were Signature Healthcare for largest campaign increase, Rockland Trust for largest employee campaign, HarborOne Bank for largest corporate gift, Good Samaritan Medical Center for largest campaign increase to the LIVE UNITED fund, and Sullivan Tire for Corporate Champion for Change for its multiyear corporate gift to United Way of Greater Plymouth County.Lindsay Clarke of Crescent Credit Union, Wendy Coullahan of Eversource, and Tracy Ouellette of Comcast received awards in recognition of their significant contributions to the United Way campaign at their respective companies.A Community Impact Award was given to the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office for the many positive ways in which they make a difference in our community.In recognition of his extensive volunteering for United Way and for the community, Kim Hollon, President & CEO of Signature Healthcare was awarded with the Community Spirit Award for 2019.The Profile in Courage Award was given to Jean- Marc Thelussaint, a student at Massasoit Community College, in recognition of his demonstrated courage in overcoming life’s difficulties by utilizing area services funded by United Way of Greater Plymouth County. With the help of United Way funds, Mr. Thelussaint was able to complete an Emergency Medical Technician certification program at Massasoit Community College, pass the EMT examine, and then secure employment as an EMT with Brewster Ambulance Service.To see more event photos, please visit United Way of Greater Plymouth CountyEstablished in 1922, United Way of Greater Plymouth County’s mission is “We unite people, ideas and resources to improve the lives of people in Greater Plymouth County.” Our efforts are instrumental in making Greater Plymouth County a safe, healthy and well-educated community in which people’s needs are met effectively, respectfully and compassionately by focusing our resources on addressing the vital and interconnected needs of education, health and income. United Way serves the communities of southeastern Massachusetts, including the city of Brockton and the towns of Abington, Avon, Bridgewater, Carver, Duxbury, East Bridgewater, Easton, Halifax, Hanover, Hanson, Kingston, Lakeville, Marshfield, Middleboro, Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Rockland, Stoughton, West Bridgewater, and Whitman. -
Beyond NAS- 2019 Conference
Community Behavioral Health Fair
If They Had Known
The Opioid Epidemic & Advocacy Communities
2018 Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force Medical Subcommittee Conference
Scope of Pain
October 18, 2018
Doubletree Hilton
229 Hingham Street
Rockland, MA 023707:30 am- 3:00 pm
Tuition $25.00
Earn credits for: CME, CNE, ABIM, MOC Part II, Risk Management and Opioid Education
National District Attorney’s Office Regional Opioid Training
Presenting on Drug Endangered Children at the NDAA Regional Opioid training. Thanks to NDAA, Addiction Policy Forum, and NDAA Association President Jonathan Blodgett for hosting and highlighting Essex’s Diversion program and showcasing how prosecutors around the country are addressing addiction issues.
Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force Annual Conference 2018
Rondileau Campus Center, Grand Ballroom, Bridgewater State University -
Parent’s Series on Adolescent Substance Use
Prevention and Community Response Forum
St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church of Marion, and the Healthy Tri Town Coalition co-hosted a community awareness and education program on Adolescent Substance Use.
District Attorney Cruz appeared on their panel to discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences as well as community-based strategies. The Parent’s Series was geared toward parents of middle school and high school students.
The Role of Childhood Trauma in the Opioid Crisis
The Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force will be hosting a conference on Innovation in Substance Misuse: The Role of the Childhood Trauma in the Opioid Crisis.
Drugs are effective coping mechanisms for youth seeking relief from trauma caused by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
Research stemming from Dr. Vincent Felitti and the original ACEs Study shows that as ACEs increase, so does the risk youth have in misusing substances, such as intravenous drugs. Dr. Felitti explains that after youth experience trauma, coping devices, like alcohol, tobacco and opioids are effective means for short-term emotional healing, but lead to long-term risks like addiction.
Focus Areas of the Conference:
* Understanding ACEs
* ACEs and Juvenile Justice System
* Police & School Communication
* Education Based Programs.Featured Speakers:
Jayne Singer, Ph.D.– The Brazelton Institute-Boston Children’s Hospital
Judge John S. Spinale- Bristol County Juvenile Court
Patricia Conrod, Ph.D.-University of Montreal
Conference Information:
DATE: November 8, 2017
VENUE: Hotel 1620
ADDRESS: 180 Water Street, Plymouth, MA 02360REGISTRATION INFO: If you would like to attend, please email Maria DoCanto at:
Project Outreach Meeting
Data collection and drug courts were the topic of conversation at the Plymouth County Outreach Meeting today in East Bridgewater.
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
District Attorney Timothy Cruz presented at CADCA’s 27th National Leadership Forum. The Forum was held February 6-9 in National Harbor, MD.
District Attorney Cruz spoke about the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) Study and preventative measures to Help Traumatized Children Learn and Succeed.
The CADCA Leadership Forum is the nation’s premier and largest training event for community prevention leaders, treatment professionals and researchers. The Forum brought together nearly 3,000 local, state and national experts in the drug prevention and treatment fields.
Project Outreach Drop In Center
Project Outreach is a collaboration of Public Safety Agencies and Healthcare Providers created to respond to the ever growing number of opiate overdoses. Twice a month, Project Outreach hosts a drop in center.
These centers host health care providers who assist with treatment options and train and distribute Narcan for free. Narcan, also know as Naloxone is the medication used by medical professionals to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.
The Drop In Centers are open to everyone. They provide information about treatment options as well as information about supportive resources. The setting provides a unique opportunity to have the undivided attention of a healthcare worker who specializes in the treatment of substance use disorders. They will explain the science of addiction, discuss treatment options, and offer other valuable resources to family members.
JAG Award-Brockton Drug Court
On Friday, January 6, 2017, Trial Court Chief Justice Paula M. Carey announced the $1.2 Million Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant Award to enhance services to Drug Court Participants.
The three-year, grant will help the Trial Court respond to the opioid substance use problem in the state by expanding and coordinating services at Community Corrections Centers in Brockton, Quincy, Taunton and Plymouth for probationers who receive supervision at the Brockton, Hingham and Taunton Drug Court sessions.
District Attorney Cruz, Chief Justice Carey, Commissioner Dolan,
Representative Cassidy, Representative Cronin -
Task Force Meeting
Members of the Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force met to discuss recent accomplishments.
The Task Force discussed the expansion of the Outreach Drop In Centers, the new challenges that are facing law enforcement with the legalization of Marijuana, the results of Chapter 55, and the Adverse Childhood Experiences (A.C.E.S) Study: Helping Traumatized Children Learn and Succeed.
With the statistics gathered by the A.C.E.S. Study, The District Attorney is working with schools in our county to train individuals on how to respond to a child who has experienced a trauma-related incident outside of school.
The two Outreach Drop In Centers, which provide resources for Substance Use Disorders are up and running. The EB Hope Outreach Drop In Center is open every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, from 5 pm to 9 pm at the Community Covenant Church, 400 Pleasant Street, East Bridgewater, MA and the Project Outreach Drop In Center is open every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, from 5 pm to 9 pm at The New Hope Chapel, 89 Court Street, Plymouth, MA
The Plymouth County Drug Abuse Task Force is a cooperative effort between District Attorney Tim Cruz and Sheriff Joe McDonald. Task force members are experts in their fields of Public Safety, Education, Medicine, Legislation, Community Coalitions, Faith Based Coalitions and Data.
Opioid Overdose Investigation Meeting
District Attorney Tim Cruz and Sheriff Joe McDonald brought together members of the local police departments and State Police Detectives to analyze and share intelligence on Opioid Overdoses in Plymouth County.
National Drug Take Back Day
Got Drugs?
October 22, 2016 is National Drug Take Back Day in Massachusetts.
Safely dispose of any unwanted prescription or over the counter medications free of charge.
Med Return drop boxes are located in the lobby of every police department in Plymouth County. Including the lobbies of the Campus Police Departments at:
Bridgewater State University, Stonehill College and Massasoit Community College.The drop boxes are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Disposal is completely anonymous.
Annual Underaged Drinking & Substance Use Prevention Conference
The 6th annual Underaged Drinking & Substance Use Prevention Conference took place on September 28, 2016 at Lombardo’s in Randolph.
The theme of this year’s conference was “The Power of Coalitions: Acknowledging Differences & Raising Awareness to Reduce Stigma”.